Lee cómo Dianética está causando cambios positivos en la vida de las personas.
One day I found a copy of Dianetics and read it. I decided to do the Hubbard Dianetics Seminar. I have a family of four beautiful daughters, and I run a pressure-wash cleaning company. Faith has always been a part of my life; however, I was also looking for tools to better my condition. In my first Dianetics session, I returned to a time 29 years ago. I was in my teens and my best friend was becoming more than a friend. I had the green light to start a relationship, but I didn’t. My friend moved to another town. A year later, for whatever reason, she took her life. The pain was unbearable, I blamed myself—if only I’d been there. At the time, I turned to drugs because of the pain. The regret stayed with me all my life. In this first session, I dealt with it. At first I cried like a baby, then at last I could let it go. I’d been holding on to this for 29 years. With each Dianetics session, I came to realize how many things had been holding me back. Now I can live life like I want to and I’m winning. I became more me.
I learned that my dad was actually proud of me. I used to have the idea that no matter what I did, I could never make my father proud of me. With Dianetics I realized this was a completely false idea. I found where this was coming from and handled it. I know that no matter what I choose to do, if it makes me proud of myself, then it will make him proud of me as well. —Adrian A
My first experience with Dianetics allowed me to erase years of sorrow over my father’s death. I was 17 when he died and I always felt I had failed to live up to what was expected of me as the “man in the family.” By addressing this traumatic incident and erasing all the negative feelings, I am a new man, ready to live life to the fullest. —DS
After Dianetics, I am now able to have a calm state of mind even when I am upset. For example, I got into a disagreement with my boyfriend. And surprisingly, I was able to calmly—without screaming—talk to him and resolve the issue much quicker. I simply stated the specific points that were bothering me. Dianetics helped me think rationally. So now I am more logical and don’t just react impulsively. —Pamela P, Secretary
Que es Dianetica?
Las experiencias dolorosas de nuestro pasado, tienen claramente un efecto en nuestro comportamiento actual. Pero ¿en qué medida, y por qué?

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